Questi 20 scatti dimostrano che le foto perfette dei social sono spesso una terribile menzogna

Marco Renzi image
di Marco Renzi

28 Ottobre 2017

Questi 20 scatti dimostrano che le foto perfette dei social sono spesso una terribile menzogna

Quante volte vi siete ritrovati ad esplorare le immagini dei social network e a constatare che tutti sembrano più belli, realizzati e felici di voi? E quante volte questo ha rischiato di minare la vostra autostima?

Bene, la prossima volta che accadrà, ricordatevi di dare uno sguardo a questo articolo... Vi aprirà gli occhi!

Le immagini che gli utenti postano sui social infatti sono spesso solo una proiezione della realtà, e più precisamente sono lo specchio di come le persone vorrebbero APPARIRE, non certo di come SONO!

Fatevi qualche sonora risata con la nostra galleria di immagini FAKE.


Dietro le quinte...

I feel like people my age or older may have a bit more control over how they perceive what they see online (although, not always) but the next generation, the generation who don't know a world without social media is what terrifies me a tiny bit. I'm only 24 but when I was 12-15 I wasn't worrying about makeup or contouring... Christ, eyebrows weren't even a thing until about four years ago and I still have no idea what contouring is. I didn't get a 'proper' mobile phone until I was about 15 and you had to ration your texts because it cost you a fortune, and god help you if you clicked on the internet by accident! We had MSN with webcams for a few hours a night after school which was about as weird as it got (and when I say weird I mean like I would dress up as 50 Cent to my friend or something... maybe that was just me 😂) , we'd say "brb" because we'd actually be away from our computer/internet whereas now you're literally never away from it unless you turn everything off... I can't imagine what it must be like now having access to the internet/social media 24/7 and all the other weird shit that comes with it whilst growing up, trying to figure yourself and the rest of the world out and at the same time being surrounded by this warped version of reality 😖 - lemme know your thoughts on it too, I'm posting a tiny series of these photos ...this is the 2nd one I've posted #instagramvsreality

Un post condiviso da emilycoxhead (@emilycoxhead) in data:


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